Because Christmas was ruined by my Dad being in hospital, we had the Easter weekend as our 'alternative Christmas'. We had crackers, relatives, and even snow. Heidi was passed around the visiting relations, and was occasionally swivelled towards me (I said: 'We've met.') Heidi's chief interest at the moment appears to be cramming anything that comes within reach into her mouth. She has tried to eat tablemats, coasters, and even - on one memorable occasion - a chair. Yes, she tried to eat an entire dining-room chair. OK, she didn't get very far, but honestly, is it any wonder I keep my distance?
Anyway, a jolly old time was had by all - a massive chilli, a short walk, and finally everyone gathering round the TV to watch The Passion Of The Christ. Heartwarming. No, of course we didn't watch that, though I did see about two minutes worth; missing, however, the controversial anti-Semitic line of dialogue in which Jesus - apparently - says: 'That Hitler's got a point, you know.' It's in the Bible - the Mel Gibson revised version anyway. Of course it should be 'That Hitler will have a point.' Hence the controversy, I suppose.
To be honest, it looked like a pretty effective horror film - isn't there even a zombie at the end or something? - and I'm hoping Rhys might force me to watch it as part of our 'cultural exchange' blog. Not much hope of that, I imagine: he's already broken the bad news that he doesn't own Mariah Carey vehicle Glitter, a film I've heard a lot about and have a strange desire to see... involuntarily.
Last time I saw him he asked me if this blog was just about work now, and theorised that my 'loyal readers' might be missing such characters as 'Mat'. Mat! I wish I'd never invented him. He hasn't been in this blog for ages and people are still talking about him. Almost, it's as if he has a life of his own...
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, work. Well, our computer system suffered a 'serious problem', which later turned into a 'major problem'. We waited and trembled - had Phoenix been destroyed at last? Tearful long-term Waterstone's employees were ringing the I.T. helpdesk to ask: 'How's Phoenix? Is Phoenix OK?' Even I could not repress a ch- , I mean tear.
Anyway it turned out, in layman's terms, that they'd moved the server or something, into a room with all these other servers, and it didn't get on with the other servers, right, and they had this big argument, and it melted or something.
I may have to recheck some of those technical details, but that's more or less it. As for Phoenix, it has risen again.
Anyway, a jolly old time was had by all - a massive chilli, a short walk, and finally everyone gathering round the TV to watch The Passion Of The Christ. Heartwarming. No, of course we didn't watch that, though I did see about two minutes worth; missing, however, the controversial anti-Semitic line of dialogue in which Jesus - apparently - says: 'That Hitler's got a point, you know.' It's in the Bible - the Mel Gibson revised version anyway. Of course it should be 'That Hitler will have a point.' Hence the controversy, I suppose.
To be honest, it looked like a pretty effective horror film - isn't there even a zombie at the end or something? - and I'm hoping Rhys might force me to watch it as part of our 'cultural exchange' blog. Not much hope of that, I imagine: he's already broken the bad news that he doesn't own Mariah Carey vehicle Glitter, a film I've heard a lot about and have a strange desire to see... involuntarily.
Last time I saw him he asked me if this blog was just about work now, and theorised that my 'loyal readers' might be missing such characters as 'Mat'. Mat! I wish I'd never invented him. He hasn't been in this blog for ages and people are still talking about him. Almost, it's as if he has a life of his own...
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, work. Well, our computer system suffered a 'serious problem', which later turned into a 'major problem'. We waited and trembled - had Phoenix been destroyed at last? Tearful long-term Waterstone's employees were ringing the I.T. helpdesk to ask: 'How's Phoenix? Is Phoenix OK?' Even I could not repress a ch- , I mean tear.
Anyway it turned out, in layman's terms, that they'd moved the server or something, into a room with all these other servers, and it didn't get on with the other servers, right, and they had this big argument, and it melted or something.
I may have to recheck some of those technical details, but that's more or less it. As for Phoenix, it has risen again.