Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Another week, another leaving do at work. This time someone who has been there for 20 years - it is said that 'a lot of knowledge' is leaving the building. If things carry on like this the Centre will soon qualify as retarded.

A bigwig visited recently to talk to people in a department that is being closed down. He was supposed to tour the Centre afterwards but unsurprisingly the talk dragged on, right through the midday fire alarm test. We can only hope that this didn't coincide with an unfortunate moment in the guy's speech ('...and I'm definitely NOT lying when I say how sympathetic I am with your plight - ' WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP). That would be just awful.

There is no plan, they say, to close the Centre and I've worked for the NHS long enough that I can quite believe that there is no plan. But that doesn't mean they won't be sending in the bulldozers tomorrow, of course...


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