Monday, June 07, 2010

ding a dong every hour

I caught the last half the National Movie Awards, the awards voted for by the public. The public? Who let them in cinemas? They even had an award for most anticipated blockbuster (the next Twilight, of course) but none, I noticed, for most bitterly disappointing one. The audience screamed at everything. Tom Cruise won the Tom Cruise Award for Being Tom Cruise. He tried to look surprised, and gave a speech in which he revealed that he knew exactly where he was (London, in England) and thanked everyone ('In particular, all of you.')

Don't mention it.

Excitement was also provided by the Eurovision Song Contest. I was not surprised that the UK's feeble entry came last, although the fact that it lagged so far behind a song in which a woman claimed repeatedly to have an apricot stone in her head is one of the many lovable mysteries of Eurovision.

My all-time favourite Eurovision winner is Ding A Dong, the 1975 Netherlands entry by Teach In (yes, them). It is so thrillingly urgent in its demand for the listener to 'sing a song that goes ding ding a dong' at all times, whether you are 'feeling alright' or whether, alternatively, you are wallowing in despair after 'your lover is gone, gone, gone'. That the compulsion to continually sing nonsense lyrics over and over again may in fact have helped to bring about the departure of the lover does not even seem to occur to them, so manically focused are they on their message.

If you actually followed their advice, of course, you would wind up as a dribbling lunatic, mindlessly chanting 'ding ding dong' in your soiled underwear as your life falls apart. But how refreshing it is to find Eurovision nonsense pursued to its logical goal: complete insanity.


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