Saturday, September 13, 2014

i'm still here

This blog has continued to languish as I devote more time to my film review blog, which is continuing to attract plenty of spam, much of it positive. In fact, even my diary (from which this is freely adapted) nowadays seems to be largely given over to describing the plots of films, which does seem to defeat the purpose of a diary. In ten years time I'm going to be looking back at it and thinking: 'Funny, I don't remember sewing a serial killer's head onto a dog.'

My 'real' life offers little to compete with that. The long hot summer has passed slowly – but not unpleasantly – as if time itself has melted and become sticky, slowing my progress. I've got a new red recycling box. It wasn't just a matter of going to the council and picking one up – you had to order it and return a week later. It's like the council are trying to create some kind of 'buzz' around them. And it has worked – now I have it I am frightened to put it outside in case someone takes it.

Meanwhile at work, there has been quite a large spider in the men's toilet. It has tended to hang around the door, as if waiting to leap on someone. However, the other day it was gone - perhaps Facilities had it removed. It inspired quite a lengthy conversation in the next office. 'He's been on the radiator', I thought I heard someone say - an alarming new development. But it turned out that they were talking about Holly Johnson – not that he'd been on the radiator, but that he'd been on the radio. I'd got two separate conversations confused. I mention this mainly because it is possibly the only occasion in which Holly Johnson has ever been confused with a spider. Unless you know better.

In the news, there always seem to be planes flying over disaster areas dropping bombs or aid packages. Is it the same planes delivering both? Maybe they don't even know what they are dropping until they get up in the air. And Robin Williams killed himself. I always found him annoying, but he was good in those creepy parts he played, like Patch Adams.

Meanwhile, there are all these videos going around of people having buckets of water thrown over them or being beheaded. I think it's all for charity (ISIS?) but I've been trying to keep out of it. I'm sure it will all die down eventually.


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