at the mountains of madness
so long ago these strange trailers started appearing on the BBC: a
mountain looming out of icy darkness, the doom-laden voice of Charles
Dance issuing a dire warning to mortals...The implication seemed to
be that some Lovecraftian monstrosity was about to emerge from behind
the mountain to attempt world domination – but no such luck, it was
only the Winter Olympics. Nothing sinister there. Although apparently
there is a skeleton.
Also, it's happening in Putinland, which is quite sinister.
Just as I have banned all Winter Olympic transmissions from my home
(lest I get the urge to don pink lycra and slide down a slope in
intimate conjunction with another), so Putin has banned all
'promotion' of homosexuality in his country, possibly for similar
reasons. Although he has stated that visiting gays have 'nothing to
fear'. Which hardly sounds like an invitation. Visit Russia: There
Is Nothing To Fear - one of their tourist board's less successful
campaigns (voiced by Charles Dance, I believe.)
I have to say it's all a bit rich coming from a man whose performance
of hypermasculinity ('Oh no, my shirt has fallen off my muscular
torso again and here are the news cameras just arriving at my door!')
teeters on the verge of camp itself.
But Putin is only worried about the children, having made a spurious
connection, albeit one in line with popular prejudice, between
homosexuality and paedophilia. Recent high profile court cases in the
UK don't necessarily bear him out – but that's the decadent West
for you. One thing we can perhaps say with some confidence is that
most paedophiles are men, but then Putin likes men. I mean he likes
male company. I mean he's attracted to masculinity. I mean...
Well never mind – history has shown that the best way of preventing
child abuse is to create a closed society where homosexuality,
unacknowledged, is cloaked in secrecy and shame. It certainly worked
for the Catholic Church.
And now Pussy Riot have been horsewhipped by the Cossacks! It may
sound like a news headline from The Two Ronnies, but
sadly it's really happening, now. It's all very worrying. And if you don't agree, why don't you go live in Russia?
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