Saturday, March 15, 2014


Perhaps I should refrain from commenting on current events. I mean look what's happened after my light-hearted taunting of Putin – he's trying to start World War III! Or at least, most observers seem to agree that this is either the beginning of World War III or a minor border skirmish. Or something in between.

Of course I'm not saying that my last blog entry caused the crisis in the Ukraine - it may well be that other socio-political factors came into play. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that it was a major factor, and I am encouraged in this belief by the fact that my Google 'stats' claim that only one person read that last entry. I think we know who that was, don't we?

Still, current events do impact on our daily life. At work, a package sent out from our offices to the West End Donor Centre went missing and nobody as yet has been able to account for its whereabouts. But this was put into perspective by the news that an entire airliner had disappeared somewhere near Malaysia. If something that big can vanish, what hope for a mere parcel? This at any rate was our excuse, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

(While we're on the topic I notice also that the bus shelter in Ingrave has disappeared. No terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility as far as I know.)

Bur regarding that plane, plenty of conspiracy theories have emerged in defiance of the strong probability that it's in the water and they just haven't found it yet. I have no truck with such ideas – I blame the internet, which conditions everyone to expect instant answers. Has nobody yet realised that the internet is the first phase of a slow alien invasion? They use it to reshape our minds, they wait until we are completely dependent on it, then they take it away, and use the resulting chaos to their advantage. It may sound like science fiction but that's the world we live in - not quite the gleaming cities in the sky we dreamed of, but if you told someone back in the 70's that by now the world would be in thrall to something called 'Google' they'd have thought you'd been watching too much Doctor Who.

Still, why even bother to point it out when only Vladimir Putin will read this? And he's probably in league with the Google-eyed monsters anyway.


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