Slow News
As the days ground on towards Christmas, it became apparent that Jeremy Vine was once again running out of material. Among the hot topics on his Radio 2 show was the story of a man in his forties who had died at an office party while trying to dance 'Gangnam-style'. I can't quite recall what the 'issue' was here - men's health, or the latest threat from Korea - but I can't imagine that this is what the poor man would have wanted to be remembered for. I blame the song - in my day, novelty dance crazes were more sedate. Say what you like about Agadoo, it never killed anyone. That I am aware of.
Increasingly desperate, JV was soon turning to his colleagues for stories. Robert Peston's burglary came up, and the story of some BBC producer who, despite feeling fine, had turned out to have one seriously furred-up artery, and might have died if a friend who happened to be a cardiologist hadn't intervened. Not feeling especially healthy myself at this point (I'd gone viral, as I believe they say), I was deeply reassured to be told that even if I'd been feeling OK I might still have been on the verge of dropping dead - even without making a wild leap onto the dancefloor.
Then we were being told that 'Fred the weatherman' had been revealed as another possible child pervert. This wasn't on JV but it was discussed in the office. I didn't know who 'Fred the weatherman' was but I was informed that he was that man who used to jump around on a floating rubber map of the UK. 'You could tell', I said. The question of who would be the next celebrity nonce arose, and the name of Noel Edmonds came up. I was shocked - somehow, I could imagine Noel slaughtering children in their tens of thousands, like Herod, but sleeping with them? Never.
My money's on Rolf Harris, but not with kids - with animals. I can't believe they let this man have his own animal clinic - if you ask me, the signs were all there from Tie Me Kangaroo Down onwards.
Increasingly desperate, JV was soon turning to his colleagues for stories. Robert Peston's burglary came up, and the story of some BBC producer who, despite feeling fine, had turned out to have one seriously furred-up artery, and might have died if a friend who happened to be a cardiologist hadn't intervened. Not feeling especially healthy myself at this point (I'd gone viral, as I believe they say), I was deeply reassured to be told that even if I'd been feeling OK I might still have been on the verge of dropping dead - even without making a wild leap onto the dancefloor.
Then we were being told that 'Fred the weatherman' had been revealed as another possible child pervert. This wasn't on JV but it was discussed in the office. I didn't know who 'Fred the weatherman' was but I was informed that he was that man who used to jump around on a floating rubber map of the UK. 'You could tell', I said. The question of who would be the next celebrity nonce arose, and the name of Noel Edmonds came up. I was shocked - somehow, I could imagine Noel slaughtering children in their tens of thousands, like Herod, but sleeping with them? Never.
My money's on Rolf Harris, but not with kids - with animals. I can't believe they let this man have his own animal clinic - if you ask me, the signs were all there from Tie Me Kangaroo Down onwards.