Sunday, January 13, 2008

3D visualization

I recall this unpacker we hired one year; never said anything memorable except this one thing that has stuck with me, and that was very much by the by: ‘I was sitting in the living room last night’, he said, ‘and the TV went pear-shaped.’ There was something about that image that pleased me.

It’s only when, as last week, I’m forced to confront myself in the Next changing room mirror, that I realise why ‘pear-shaped’ is such a bad thing. There’s something peculiarly unflattering about the mirrors in there, or is it me? Oh yeah: it’s me.

Still, you’d think having a skinny chest and a bulging belly would be chic in a world where models are encouraged to starve themselves. It’s the Third World malnutrition look.

Oh well, it’s that time of year when we are encouraged to make a new start. Diet. Exercise. As if! We met up with Mat and Amanda last night and they had the fulfilled glow of those who have adhered to New Year’s resolutions. Amanda has had colonic irrigation and Mat has been having job interviews in London, experiences broadly similar in the sense that both parties have been placed in odd and unaccustomed positions. And dissimilar, of course, in that Mat’s interviewers have not thus far shot a jet of water up his arse. Or not that he’s saying, anyway.


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