Friday, October 21, 2005

the birds is coming

Bird flu is spreading like wildfire - from newspaper to newspaper. How many are going to die? Easy: think of an unbelievably large figure, then double it. No sooner have you got your head round one nightmare scenario than they hit you with something new. You might comfort yourself with the notion that only the very old and the very young will die. WRONG. Bird flu is specifically going to target people in the prime of life. You might reassure yourself that the bird flu virus is really tiny, and can be stamped on. WRONG. Once it mutates, the virus will be at least a mile wide, and able to lay waste to major cities. And there will be 80 million of them.

And that’s just according to The Economist.


Blogger Woodsta said...

Uh oh, better summon Godzilla. Godzilla Vs Giant Bird Flu. A guaranteed classic. You could even make the virus glow in a radioactive fashion.

5:14 AM  

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