Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Alive!

It's a boy. Satan Jesus Elvis Sadler has been born, and by Caesarian section. I can only presume that Mat did not take photographs of the birth. 'Mum and baby both fine', said the text which knocked my glasses to the carpet at seven in the morning on Thursday. It didn't mention Mat.

Satan Sadler's a good name actually, especially if you are using your baby as a kind of social experiment, which I believe Mat is intending to do. Although ideally there would be a twin called Jesus. And I don't fancy his chances of getting into a Church school.

But of course he isn't going to be called Satan! Neither is he called Caesar, after the manner of his birth, another great idea of mine. Caesar Sadler: it has a ring to it, yes? Or, even better: Caesar Waldorf Sadler. No, he's called Samuel Rhys, which is not even remotely funny. Oh well. Good luck.

The BNP shoved a leaflet through our door. I immediately stuck it in the recycling. It was so... bland. Although there was a bit about Turks being given permission by the government to 'swamp' the nation. Is that how they word it in the government pamphlets? 'You now have permission to swamp the British Isles. Here is a list of the equipment you will require.'

But I'm sure that in reality the government has very strict guidelines on swamping.

The Daily Mail, to their credit, did a story revealing that the smiling BNP supporters pictured in the leaflet are not only models, they are not even British! I'm presuming here that they did this with the intention of discrediting the BNP rather than trying to outdo them in nationalistic frenzy.

The fear is that people will express their 'moral outrage' over the MP's expenses scandal by voting for the BNP. Though voting in a bunch of racists does seem a curious way of expressing moral outrage.


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